deKay's Lofi Gaming

Cooking Mama (DS)

Managed to unlock a few more things to cook, taking my total up to (I think) 62. Apparently, there are 76 in total, and I’m almost certain I’ve done all of them at least twice and taken every available “branch” to open up more options. I can only assume I need “all silvers” or “all golds” or something to get the rest. Oh, and cutting up meat is hard. Bah.

Cooking Mama (DS)

Having exhausted all of the recipes available to me, I set about finding others. You see, sometimes when cooking you get to open up other recipes along the way, like turning beef curry into beef stew instead. Found a few more, and now have about 55 or so available.

Cooking Mama (DS)

More cooking today. Recipes this evening (cooked whilst watching Celebrity Masterchef, bizarrely enough) included curried pork and rice, chilli prawns, hand-rolled sushi, and some strange macaroni dish. ACES!

Cooking Mama (DS)

I completed a few more dishes today, ranging from some quite complex stews to eggs sunny side up, and instant ramen. I really like this game, as although it doesn’t show you exactly how to create the food you cook, it does tell you pretty much the steps you need to take. I’ve unlocked a load more recipies too, so I have about 35 open in all now. Even managed two gold medals today!

Cooking Mama (DS)

Yes indeed. A cooking game for the DS. You’d not get one of them anywhere else. After a slow start (it’s actually quite hard to begin with), I’d soon managed boiled rice, stir fry, steak, and all sorts of stuff. It’s ace!

Fantasy Life (3DS): COMPLETED!

And so it came to pass that my first completed game in the grand old year of 2015, was Fantasy Life. Do not be of the mind that just because I got it for Christmas, it’s somewhat short. No, somehow in just over a week I’ve crammed more than 27 hours into it. In fact, since my last post about it just 5 days have passed and 25 hours of game have been played. And that’s just on one of the …

Things I’ve been playing recently

Fantasy Life (3DS) It’s like 8 RPGs in one! I chose my first life to be a Paladin, applying the logic that any combat required in the other lives may benefit from my skills as a trained killer. Or something. I’m not very far in, only a couple of hours, but I’m already engrossed in the seemingly endless number of sidequests (which, unlike most RPGs, actually affect your progression in the game in a big way), and the game is …

Nodame Cantabile (DS)

So I’ve had this for ages, but because we were redoing our lounge and ditching old bookcases and stuff, it got packed in a box soon after arriving. It was unpacked a few weeks ago, and I remembered it today. So I thought I’d give it a quick go. Two hours later, I had to put it down. Yes, it is very good. If you haven’t heard of it (and that’s pretty likely – I hadn’t and only bought it …

Wario Ware Touched! (DS)

Gosh. Not played this in aaaages. I found it in my big case o’ DS games when putting some other DS cards away, and after a load of Cooking Mama, I decided I wanted more of something similar. Imagine my surprise when I realised I hadn’t actually played all of the game previously. In fact, I hadn’t even got the high scores in about half of the characters’ sections, so I set about righting that wrong. The robot’s levels were …